Week 3 Tasks

Task 10

WAP to calculate the gross salary of the employee given the basic salary. Travelling Allowance, Dearness Allowance and Home Rental Allowance is 20%, 80% and 15% of Basic Salary respectively.

Task 11 (Experiment 5a)

WAP to swap two numbers with the help of a Temporary Number.

Task 12 (Experiment 5b)

WAP to swap two numbers without the help of a Temporary Number.

Task 13

WAP to check if the number is even or not using conditional operator.


Mod 2 of any even number is always zero.

Task 14 (Experiment 6)

WAP to find the greatest number amongst three entered numbers using conditional operator.

Task 15 (Bonus Tasks)

WAP to find sum of two integers without using ‘+’ operator.